Welcome to some visual art and graphics
With this website, I want to show you a sample of my paintings, and perhaps through them, give you inspiration for a new painting in the home, the company or perhaps as a gift.
The paintings: The first paintings on the website (1-11) I have painted after famous works of art, to test and improve my skills. It has been a very educational process.
After the famous works of art come my paintings, which are very different in their expression, as I cannot stick to just one particular style. The portraits naturally have their own time, and are painted in the necessary calm. After a "long-term" portrait, I need to swing the abstract brush, as a form of release after many hours of concentration with the fine brush..
I have always had a great passion for the creative, and this is, in principle, what underlies my visual universe, which is based on numerous years of dealing with colors, brushes and 40 years of experience from the advertising industry.
Graphics: Here you can see a section of my graphics for div. competitions etc.
My music: https://www.youtube.com/@Hepmusic-hb7pk/playlists
Morphing my portraits
the art of per eckart
På fototur i Nivå Park - Nivaagaards Malerisamling
Nivå Havn og Strandpark - Øresunds Perle
En skøn tur i Fredensborg Slot og
Slotshave 25 juli, 2008
Solodanserinden Ulla Poulsen
"Mit møde med Skagensmalerne"
Mit interview med John Macko 4. april 2014
En lille film fra 1981-82. Titel: Snow Falling
Fuglsanghus, Hørsholm
Trommen, Hørsholm
Københavns Byret
Odense Bys Museers website, med
maleriet af Hans Christian Andersen
Danske Bank, Nivå / Hørsholm
Nivå Bibliotek
Den Gamle Biograf, Fredensborg
Tinghuset, Fredensborg
Humlebæk Bibliotek
Huset for Sundhed og Balance, Hillerød
Helsingør Kunstgalleri - Kunstnertræf ´19
AI Website Maker